The FBI Investigation Method
Good communication is crucial for everyone to get along in any relationship. It becomes even more so when your family includes a pet. Foremost, what do you bring to the equation? How do your feelings, behavior, and intentions affect your pet's reactions? With that in mind, we have developed the FBI (Feelings, Behavior, and Intentions) investigation method for you.
The FBI investigation suggests that you:
- Reflect on your feelings and what you think your pet is feeling;
- Be conscious of your behavior and observe how your pet reacts;
- Reflect on your intentions. Would you like to change this situation/behavior and why?
The FBI investigation steps
After observing the situation and reflecting on your intentions, you are ready to investigate your pet’s language!

Look for the clues (ears, eyes, tail, body postures, and vocalizations): Every clue is crucial and meaningful when studying the message your pet is conveying to you.

Put the pieces together: Reflect on how they all work together to comprehend the whole message.

Observe the context: To gain a more precise understanding of the situation, it’s important to zoom out of your pet and look around.

Acknowledge your pet is unique: In the same situation, different pets react differently based on their personality and past experiences.

Make an educated guess: According to your observations, do you think you need to adjust your behavior or your pet’s environment?

Reflect on the results: Make necessary adjustments and continue to investigate!
That’s it! Practice investigating your pet's language every now and then. After a while, most steps will become natural to you! Stay tuned for our next blog post. We will explore cat ear postures and what information you can obtain from them!

Can't wait to explore the FBI Investigation Method?
You can now access the complete Method in the ebook. Start investigating today!
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